четвъртък, 31 януари 2013 г.


(English below)

Можете да си купите наши записи на физически носител от всеки наш концерт или да ги получите с куриер, като ни пишете на barbarones@abv.bg

"People & Bricks" (LP, 2011) - 10 лв.
"The Final Word / Jumping over the Tracks"(EP, 2012) - 3 лв.
(в цената не се включва доставката, която е според тарифите на www.econt.com)

Ако предпочитате MP3:

http://thebarbaronesbg.bandcamp.com/album/the-final-word-jumping-over-the-tracks-ep (
People & Bricks и EP)

People & Bricks:
Itunes: www.itunes.apple.com/bg/album/people-bricks/id519090212
Amazon: www.amazon.com/People-Bricks/dp/B007U75FOC


You can buy our records on CD at any The Barbarones concert or have it delivered at your address by reaching us at barbarones@abv.bg.

"People & Bricks" (LP, 2011) - 5 euro or equivalent
"The Final Word / Jumping over the Tracks"(EP, 2012) - 2 euro or equivalent
(the price does not include the shipping costs, which equal the tariffs of the shipping company that we use - www.en.econt.com)

If you prefer MP3, download our records here:

http://thebarbaronesbg.bandcamp.com/album/the-final-word-jumping-over-the-tracks-ep (People & Bricks and EP)

People & Bricks only:
Itunes: www.itunes.apple.com/bg/album/people-bricks/id519090212
Amazon: www.amazon.com/People-Bricks/dp/B007U75FOC

неделя, 27 януари 2013 г.

The Barbarones profile at www.ampsonair.com

A profile of The Barbarones at the website of the AmpsOnAir project has just been created, including the two live performances at studio Na Vilata (The Final Word and Another Way), as well as a video interview with the band (in Bulgarian):
